March 30

We are in the time of the year that we are looking back at the cost of our sin – the cross; and the blessing of our forgiveness – the empty tomb. If this does not make you pause to thank God for your salvation, something is desperately wrong with you. The agony of that cross – the mock trial of Jesus with the beating and scourging – the six-hours of indescribable anguish while on the cross – the absolute agony of the words, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” – along with multitudes of other things that space will not allow for, should cause us to be deeply grateful for what we have in Christ.

Moving three days after that event to the empty tomb – the event that changed everything for all repentant sinners. We who had been separated from God by our sinful nature, and sinful actions; now had an offering being made before the very throne of Almighty God on our behalf. The offering of the blood of Jesus Christ – the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sins of the world! Indescribable!

Today I read in Psalm 30, some words that describe my feelings as I sit here on this week leading up to Easter Sunday. David wrote these words better than I can describe it on my own: “To the end that my glory may sing praise to thee, and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give thanks unto thee for ever” (Psalm 30:12).

Yesterday, a very dear friend to me, and to our family stepped into Heaven. Her efforts here on earth will not be known, because she worked tirelessly behind the scenes. The reality of the cross and the empty tomb warm my heart for her sake, and all of those who have trusted in this incredible Savior Who sacrificed so much so we could enjoy Heaven. “Mrs. D,” as she was known by all who knew her, has touched the lives of thousands of women that no one else noticed. She sang, until she could sing no more to praise God. She taught thousands of children to sing together to the glory of God.

Today, because of the cross and the empty tomb, she is able to see her Heavenly Father face to face to thank Him for all He has done for her. Mrs. D has been and will continue to be an inspiration to my heart. She epitomized the saying, “she did what she could.” I owe a debt of gratitude to her and her husband for introducing me to the ministry to prisoners. It was because of them that I stepped foot into prison for the first time. I am grateful for all that God has taught me as a result of that first time I have the honor to minister alongside them. I praise God for all He has done for us!

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