January 28

Are you a bit discouraged?  Thinking there is no hope or help for you or the world?  Don’t lose heart, there is still a God in Heaven.  There is still a God Who is actively working for you, and He has not forgotten what you need the most.  We might ask God for money, or success in business, or for good health; but the things we need the most are His mercy and His truth.  Here is a great promise for you to hold on to today.  “He shall send from heaven and save me from the reproach of him that would swallow me up, Selah.  God shall send forth His mercy and His truth” (Psalm 57:3).

There are certainly plenty of people around today who would threaten to “swallow us up.”  There is a sin nature within us that threatens to “swallow us up.”  There are plenty of temptations for us to yield to in our everyday lives.  Don’t look at them.  Don’t focus on the troubles but focus on the answer to each of them.  Look to Heaven where your help comes from!  We are not alone in this struggle for holiness.  We are not alone when we stand for what is right and true.  We are not in the minority when we stand where God wants us to stand!

David faced Goliath with no fear after asking the question, “Is there not a cause?”  I ask the same question for today … is there not a reason for us to attempt to live godly lives in our world today?  The resounding answer to David’s question was “yes!”  The answer to my question is also “yes!”  This verse from Psalm 57 should give you encouragement that help is never far away when you stand for God in a world that seems to be godless.  There is a cause … there is a reason to stand for God today … there are people depending on your testimony to remain strong and solid in the face of the enemy today. 

I want to stress today that just about the time you think there is no hope, you need to realize that God is standing with you every minute of every day you live as a Christian.  He has with Him an endless supply of mercy and truth!  When you come to the end of your resources, He will always be there with His mercy and truth to take care of you.  When you have read everything you can read, and you still don’t have the wisdom you need, He will be there with mercy and truth.  When you have come to the end of your wealth of advice, and there is still counsel needed, trust Him to come along with mercy and truth.  He never fails!  He is always on time!  Help is on its way!

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