May 29

Today, in America, we celebrate a day we call “Memorial Day.”  It is a time for reflection on the sacrifices made in order to insure our freedoms.  It is a time that we remember those who willingly gave their lives so that we could remain free, and so freedom could remain in other countries.  Many of the battles America has fought have been to protect the rights and freedom of others.  That is always a noble cause.  This day has been set aside for us to reflect on the great heritage we have as Americans, but it is also a good time for the Christian to take some time to reflect on all that God has done to provide freedom for us.

Many chapters of our Old Testament are devoted to giving us clear and detailed accounts of the hand of God providing for His people.  The New Testament is a detailed account of how God rescued us from an eternity in Hell by sending His one and only Son to die in our place.  In America, we have been blessed because of past sacrifices made for us.  As Christians, we are blessed because of the ultimate sacrifice made for our sins.  We were challenged yesterday in church to remember not to forget.  It was a great reminder to me that we need to be diligent in reflecting on the things God has done for us.

In America, we tend to focus on the negative things that are happening around us.  We need to take time to reflect on the great blessings we enjoy because we live in a free nation!  As Christians, we often focus on persecution, or disappointments because of our failures, or the failures of others.  We need to make time to count our blessings.  There are many wonderful things to remember as believers and Americans today.  Make some time today to remember the wonderful things that God has done for you.

I am thankful that I was born in America.  I am thankful for being born into a Christian home with a father and mother who loved each other to death and beyond.  I am thankful that the Gospel was made clear to me at an early age, and that I received Christ early in my life.  I am thankful that “… I know Whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day” (II Timothy 1:12).  I am thankful that this life is not the end, but simply the beginning chapter of my eternal life!

Today should be a day filled with memories.  Don’t dwell on the negative things that can so easily invade your mind.  Chose to dwell on the blessings that God has given you in your life.  This is a choice.  Chose well today!

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