September 7

I was sitting in a tenth grade History class in my school when confronted with an issue that was in the news at that time, but was also addressed in the Bible very clearly.  I remember raising my hand and voicing my opinion on the issue (in the best way a tenth-grade guy can).  I gave my opinion, and told the class that I was basing that opinion on what I had read in the Bible.  I was immediately challenged by the majority of the class.  My teacher decided it would be good entertainment to see me try to defend my position and announced that I would be given that chance in the following class.  I remember calling my pastor, asking him for specific references that related to the topic we were discussing.  I approached the following class with some nervous energy.  I was convinced that the Bible was true and accurate on the subject … I was just hoping I would have the right answers.

You might be facing a similar challenge in the classroom, or workplace, or home you are in right now.  It is natural for us to worry about standing up for what is right, but it is also extremely necessary that we do stand for what is right.  How will the world realize there are absolutes if we are not willing to stand and defend them?  Today I read, “So shall I have wherewith to answer him that reproacheth me: For I trust in Thy Word” (Psalm 119:42). 

As a believer, we always can be sure that the answers we need will be found in the Word of God.  The challenge that we have today is not whether or not the answers to the questions of life are answered in the Bible; the challenge is will we know our Bible well enough to know where to find them.  Again, I want to challenge you to read your Bible regularly for the times you will surely face in the near future that you will need to stand on the Word of God.  I will tell you that when you are standing on the Word of God your footing will be sure.  The slippery places are anywhere that is outside the authority of the Word of God.  Be very careful not to stand on your opinions if they are outside the boundaries of the Bible.  That is dangerous ground.

Be encouraged by this verse from the longest chapter in the Bible.  There is an answer for the questions of life, but you need to follow the challenge of the last part of the verse and completely trust the Word of God.  I know I write about this repeatedly, but I have found this to be true in my life!  I wish had heeded the challenge of those who repeatedly reminded me to know what the Bible said before I stepped out.  The tough questions life sends our way can be answered from the pages of your Bible.  Read it!

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