September 20

I wanted to ask you to pray for these devotionals.  I have never asked this before, but the time has come.  I have been writing these devotionals ever since March of 2010.  I started writing these for our youngest daughter who was a freshman in college at the time.  She told me that she and her roommate had searched for a devotional book that they could read together to start their day, but nothing they had found was what met the need at the time.  I agreed to write a thought for each day for them.  Now, five-plus years later, I am still on the same path.

From that time until today, I have opened my Bible and asked God to touch my heart with something that would help my family for that day.  I began to think about our other children, and quickly included them on the distribution list each day.  I then thought of my dear friend, Sergei in Ukraine, and added him to the list.  Some friends at church heard about the devotional and asked to be signed up.  The list grew, and grew, and grew until today when this email will go out to almost 300 people.

I had decided that when our daughter graduated from college I would stop writing.  I tried … it didn’t work.  I found it frustrating not to put on paper what God had touched my heart with each day.  I also thought about our grandchildren and wanting to leave something significant for them to follow.  As a result God has continued to touch my heart, and the devotionals have continued to come. 

I am writing this today to ask you to pray for the devotionals specifically.  A few months ago, a friend said, “You ought to put these in a book.”  Others had said that to me over the years, but it did not stick.  Through a series of events, God led me to a publishing company, and I committed.  The reason I am asking for you to pray, is that I will submit one years’ worth of devotionals to the publisher tomorrow.  Please pray that they will be acceptable, and that things will move along without any hitches. I was thinking of a verse for today that Ted Camp shared with me a few years ago.  “The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it” (Psalm 68:11).  I am praying that these simple thoughts might be used to be an encouragement to others for years to come (if the Lord tarries).  I am asking you … my friends … to pray along with me that these simple thoughts will do just that.  Thank you for many who have commented and encouraged me over these years.  Your feedback has helped and challenged me to continue on.  Thank you.

Comments 2

  1. We will pray for your devotional book but I sure will miss opening them up each morning. I enjoy reading and meditating on them as I walk each morning

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