“The words of the LORD are pure words: silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, Thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever” (Psalm 12:6-7).
Is it possible to live a godly life in such an ungodly time? Let’s ask Daniel there in Babylon. He was separated from his family. He was separated from any spiritual leader that believed in the Bible. He was surrounded by idol-worshipping people who would become his teachers and would try to become his leader. He would be presented with meat to eat that had already been offered to an idol. He would be offered wine that was fermented to drink. Yet, Daniel, just a teenage boy, determined that he would not defile himself. The words that describe his stand in Daniel 1:8 are that Daniel “purposed in his heart.” This phrase literally means that Daniel made a decision before time. He had rehearsed, he had practiced what answer he would give before the question was ever asked!
According to the two verses from Psalm 12, we too have the opportunity to stand pure in a day of impurity! We too can make some decisions before the test comes that will help us to pass the test with a passing grade. We too have a place to run in time of trouble that will not move, and that will not fail us. “The words of the LORD are pure words …” Is there any doubt in your mind about the truth of this statement? I have no doubts whatsoever about the Word of God being pure. I also believe verse 7 that follows. I believe that if a person will make the Word of God his/her compass, that God will keep and preserve their lives.
I cannot help but think about jelly when I see the word preserve! But isn’t that an accurate picture of what this verse is saying for us. I have watched my grandmother make jelly. I have seen her cook the fruit she had chosen; I then saw her pour it into jars. I then watched her put on these special lids that would seal shut as the pressure built; and then I remember hearing a “pop” as the seal took and the lid bowed up (please forgive my naïve view of canning … I was just a kid). I remember how excited I would get to be able to spread that sweet jelly on my bread. My grandmother explained to me that we did not need to put that jelly into the refrigerator because it was preserved, or kept until we opened it. God’s words have the ability to keep those who read and obey them too. If you will stay in the Word of God, and allow the Word of God to stay in you, when difficult times come, you will stay true. You can live godly in an ungodly world, following the Bible.