October 17

Then Jesus saith unto them, ‘Children, have ye any meat?’  They answered Him, ‘No’” (John 21:5).  There is a great point to understand in this simple verse – when God touches your heart to leave all and follow Him, there will be no success in returning to what you should have left.  Too many of us have felt the call of God, and turned back to the “comfort zone” we have always known.  If this is what you are tempted to do, remember these disciples of Jesus out there on the ship with no fish to keep them company.  I can recall many times when I came forward at the end of a church service to surrender a part of my life, or all of my life to the service of Christ.  I have returned to my seat too many times and changed nothing to make that change happen.

These men returned to what they knew.  They went back to their “comfort zone.”  They returned to the place they had known success before.  They did the same things that had earned them a living before Christ called them, but after fishing all night, they still had an empty boat.  It is important that we realize that if we are not in the center of God’s will, we too will be in an empty boat without success.  There will be those who will tell you that it is foolish to follow the will of God.  Those people are foolish, not the plan of God for your life.

I am afraid that far too many people of my generation have traded the will of God for things that seemed far more comfortable.  Too many of my classmates from college left our dream of serving God full time in order to pursue enough money to pay off their college bill … or to buy a car … or to get married … or to buy a home … or to get their feet on the ground.  Most times being in the center of the will of God will require stepping out by faith.   Being in the center of the will of God will require risking the comforts of the easy way in order to follow God’s plan as and dreams for your life.

I am afraid that far too many of the present generation are unwilling to step out by faith and walk with God at the risk of not having the nicest things life can offer.  I have found that those “things” are not nearly as satisfying as being in the center of the will of God!  It is interesting how few fish there were on the boat before they met Jesus, and how many there were after they obeyed Him!  I want to encourage you today to risk staying in the will of God for your life.  Guard against going back to what you have always known.  It is exciting to watch God provide in extraordinary ways!  He has always been faithful, and He always will be faithful!

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