November 7

What a great time to be alive and able to serve the King of all kings!  We are so blessed to be able to know God through His Son, Jesus Christ!  We have been honored to be a part of a long line of faithful followers of Jesus!  I want to encourage you today to live this day with enthusiasm!  There are many today who are always talking about how bad things are, and how bad thing will become; but we who are saved know that there is a real place called Heaven that is awaiting us!  An old hymn asked the questions: “Why should I feel discouraged, why should the shadows come, Why should my heart be lonely, and long for heav’n and home, When Jesus is my portion? My constant Friend is He: His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.”

Paul gave us this challenge in Colossians: “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men.  Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance; for ye serve the Lord Christ” (Colossians 3:23-24).  Take heart today, you and I have the opportunity to serve the Lord Christ!  What an incredible honor and privilege we have today!  We are living in exciting times to serve the Lord Christ.  This day you have today will be given to you by the Lord, and the possibilities for service to Him will be scattered all throughout the day.  What will you do with this day?

I am amazed at how much Christians have allowed this world to influence our perspective (in general).  Yes, I used the word, “our” because I struggle with this too.  We have an anchor that we must run to on a daily basis.  We need not simply read the Bible in the morning to “check off” some duty we have performed.  We must read our Bible as though it is the map for our day and then follow it.  This Bible is our spiritual and practical GPS for living right before God.  Please be encouraged by your Bible today.  Paul encouraged us to do everything we find in front of us today with enthusiasm!  I might even clean my desk today! Today I have the opportunity to serve the King of all kings and to lay up rewards in Heaven.  I want to make good use of this day, and every day that the Lord Christ will give me to serve Him.  I want to do it with all the enthusiasm I had when I played sports.  I want to do it with all the effort I would to please my earthly boss.  I want to do it because my Heavenly Father is worthy of it.  Don’t look at this day with a depressed view.  This is the day that the Lord has made … rejoice and be glad in it!

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