November 19

When I was a little boy we learned a song that went, “Jesus loves the little children; all the children of the world.  Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight.  Jesus loves the little children of the world.”  As I have grown to become a man, I am even more aware that Jesus really does love all the people in this world.  Where I might pick and choose who should be eligible for salvation, I am very aware that our Heavenly Father is not willing that anyone should go to Hell, but that all might come to repentance. 

Today I read from the Old Testament book of Isaiah: “All ye inhabitants of the world, and dwellers on the earth, see ye, when he lifted up an ensign on the mountains; and when he bloweth a trumpet, hear ye” (Isaiah 18:3).  This verse might be describing a physical location where people were encouraged to look up when they heard the warning.  For me, I think about the “Ensign” that God sent for me and for you.  The word, “ensign” means a standard to be lifted up, a rallying point.  The “standard” that was lifted up for us to follow is none other than the very Son of God … Jesus Christ.

God allowed Jesus Christ to be lifted up from the earth in order to draw all men to Him (John 12:32).  I believe it is my responsibility as well as every believer reading this today to point to the “Ensign” that God sent for the forgiveness of sin.  It is my responsibility to echo the words of Isaiah to the world today.  I want to encourage everyone I meet today to look to Jesus for the satisfaction in life.  I want them all to know the peace that Jesus brings that passes all understanding.  I want them to know the love of God that reached from Heaven all the way to the deepest part of the human soul to offer forgiveness.  I want to be a person who points to the “Ensign” of my soul.

That little song that I learned from a child is absolutely true today!  What a joy to know Jesus as my personal Savior!  What a thrill to be able to proclaim His love to everyone I meet!  What an incredible joy to see folks trust Jesus just like I did, and know the reality of sins forgiven!  This is a message that is good for all the inhabitants of the world!  It is good for all who dwell on the earth.  It is news that needs to be proclaimed and trumpeted today for the world we live in that is so desperately searching for truth today.  Jesus really does love all the children, and adults of the world.  Today is a good day to let someone else know that good news.  Sound the trumpet today wherever you go!  Today is our turn to proclaim the news.  Do your part and let the world know about your Savior.

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