November 28

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want” (Psalm 23:1).  I know I have told this story before, but it is what comes to my mind every time I read these words.  When I was just a young boy, we were encouraged to memorize the six verses of Psalm 23.  I memorized the verses in order to get a glow-in-the-dark praying hands plaque.  At the time, my focus was honestly on the prize, not so much on the meaning of the verses in this chapter.  However, it was not long after memorizing those verses that this verse became MY verse. 

When I was just six years old, I trusted Jesus Christ as my Savior … as my Shepherd.  I could honestly quote this verse from that time forward in my life.  I was blessed to be raised in a Christian home where the Bible actually was the standard for our home.  That meant that my father tried to copy the character of our Heavenly Father.  No, my dad was not perfect, but he did try to love me with the love that God had loved him with; he tried to live pure, like His Heavenly Father was; and in general, I grew up in a home where I was pleased to call my father, daddy.

My mother was the person that was with me when I prayed to ask Jesus Christ to save me.  She loved us first and thought of her needs second, or third.  She modeled a compassion for others.  There was never a person too low that my mother could not find something to love!  No, my mother was not perfect either.  Flaws were evident, but honestly exposed and forgiven.  My mother allowed me to grow up in a family where I was pleased to call my mother, mommy. 

Today I read that phrase, “The LORD is my shepherd,” and it caused me to think of the intimacy that God desires to have with each of us.  He is not interested in a formal relationship where we refer to Him as “Father.”  I believe He desires a relationship with us where we call Him “Abba Father.”  This term really could be translated, “Daddy.”  It is a respectful title, but one that shows a deep intimacy.  From the time I trusted Christ at the age of six, I have been able to call Jesus my Shepherd.  From the time I trusted Christ, I have had the opportunity to have an intimate relationship with God the Father.  From the time I accepted Christ as my Savior, the Holy Spirit of God has been living in me!

How blessed can one person be?  You can have this same relationship that I have enjoyed for over fifty-two years!  Snuggle up close to God today and let Him know that you love Him and will follow Him today!

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