December 28

I don’t know why this keeps happening, but I am still constantly amazed by the absolutely incredible book I am reading today … my Bible!  How could God the Holy Spirit breath these words into the heart and mind of forty different men and they write them down exactly like He wanted it?  How could these common, ordinary sinners (like me) ever get it so right so many times?  Alright, I’ll tell you why this thought is coming to me now.  I have been thinking about the birth of Christ (like many of you) for the better part of a month now.  I have thought about the star that led the wise men; about the wise men; about the simple shepherds; about the manger; about the angels; and about Mary and Joseph.  I am thinking about all of these things looking through my Bible back at history.

Look at the words that the prophet Isaiah wrote in the book that carries his name in our Bible.  Almost 750 years before the birth of Christ on the earth, he wrote: “And the glory of the LORD shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it” (Isaiah 40:5).  Hold it for a minute!  Can you imagine what Isaiah must have thought as he watched his quill write out the words, “and all flesh shall see it together …”?  I am sure he was thinking, ‘Well, that’s impossible!’  How in the world could everyone in the world know about the revealing of the Lord?  Remember, the quickest mode of transportation known to Isaiah at this point might have been a horse, or a mule!

Think about this for a minute: here I am sitting in my kitchen, reading my Bible, in my language, on a continent that Isaiah never even knew existed, reading his book as he talked about all flesh knowing about the glory of the Lord!  It gets better for me … we just finished celebrating the Lord’s birth.  Not only did we celebrate it, but the entire world realized that we celebrated it!  Muslims know about Christmas … the Jews know about Christmas … the atheist knows about Christmas … the agnostic knows about Christmas!  Almost everyone on the earth knows there is a celebration of the birth of the Son of God!  Not all believe in Christ … but “all flesh shall see it together!”

I am thrilled to have my own Bible!  I am thrilled that it is an eternal book and its truths are eternal as well!  I am so very thankful and excited that I have not only heard about Jesus’ birth, but that fifty-two years ago He became my very own Savior!  I know Him!  I know that He is real, and even though there are those who doubt the reality of His existence, I know He is real.  One day, every knee will bow … just like the Bible says they will!

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