December 12

Moses said, “‘Now therefore, I pray Thee, if I have found grace in Thy sight, shew me now Thy way, that I may know Thee, that I may find grace in Thy sight: and consider that this nation is Thy people.’  And He said, ‘My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest.’  And he said unto Him, ‘If Thy presence go not with me, carry us not up hence’” (Exodus 33:13-15).

I heard a story yesterday about a young boy facing a very challenging situation.  All others around this boy were looking discouraged and even fearful.  The young boy was confused, but he was neither discouraged nor afraid.  The reason he was exempt from these feelings was that his father was standing with him, and his father was smiling and looking confidently at his son.  I want to be the same with my Heavenly Father!  In this world filled with fear and discouragement, I want to keep my eye on my Heavenly Father. 

In the story I told you about the father and son, the father was simply being strong for his son.  In the story of my Heavenly Father, I am sure that He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all that I could ask or think.  Moses was about to embark on some very thrilling times in the history of Israel.  His hearts cry was that if God was not going to be with him, he was not moving!  I want that to be my heart’s cry this morning as well.  I want to say, “God, if you will go with me, I will go … if I am going on my own, I don’t want to move.”  I love God’s reply to Moses … And He said, ‘My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest.’  This promise of God is good for us today.  I am so thankful that after Jesus ascended into Heaven, He gave us the Holy Spirit to live in us … to guide us … to convict us … and to be our constant companion.  I am glad that it is impossible for me to take a step today that would be outside the care of the Holy Spirit. 

There is something that does scare me today.  That is the thought that I might take a step without the clear leadership of the Holy Spirit.  Moses’ response to God was that he did not want to move an inch without God’s guiding hand.  I want to walk where God leads me today.  I want to say what God wants me to say today.  I want to reach out to the people God wants me to reach out to today.  I want to be completely surrendered to the plan that God has for my life today.   I don’t want to go anywhere without His clear direction.  I know that God will never leave me or forsake me … I want to walk with Him hand in hand today.

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