December 23

When I look back over my life, I must say that God has blessed me far more than I deserve.  I will tell you that I have never inherited a great deal of money.  My name is not famous, nor do people flock to hear me when I preach.  I don’t drive a fancy car, or live in a mansion (yet).  I sometimes buy my clothing at the second-hand store and thank God if there is some fancy designers name sewn inside the lapel.  I am not blessed because of what I have, but because someone cared enough to share the Gospel with my family at least three generations before me.  I am blessed because that precious Gospel has been passed down through our family to me, and I have had the honor to pass it along to our children and grand-children.  I am equally blessed because I married a beautiful young lady who enjoyed the same heritage in her family.

Today I read, “Mark ye well her bulwarks, consider her palaces; that ye may tell it to the generation following.  For this God is our God forever and ever: He will be our guide even unto death” (Psalm 48:13-14).  The highlighted phrase is what caught my eye today.  “That ye may tell it to the generation following …” That is my heart’s desire today.  I am writing these devotionals every day to make sure that the generations that overlive me will have the stories and the truths that have so deeply touched my heart.  My desire is that I will continue to be thrilled with the truths of Scripture, and that I will pass that passion on to our children, and their children.  I want to make sure that the generation following knows how much I love my Savior and His Word!

I praise God for two godly grandmothers.  Sometimes today I meet seasoned believers who have decided that their better days are behind them in ministry, and they have taken a seat on the bench.  As I look back over my life, I realize that some of the deepest spiritual influence in my life was two little ladies I called “Grandmom.”  Neither of them was highly educated.  Neither of them had any money.  Neither was famous or even really popular in the world.  Both of them left deep footprints in the sand ahead of me to follow. 

I still think about the words my grandmothers have spoken to me in simple, plain advice.  I can still see in my minds-eye the example of godliness they lived in every day, simply living.  I can still see them bowing their head to pray for me.  I have these memories now, but they are in Heaven.  Now it is my turn to “Go tell it on the mountain!”  I don’t want to fail in this work!

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