December 31

Here we are at the last day of the year.  I think there is value in looking back to reflect on all that God has done for us, and all that He taught us through the circumstances of this past year, I think there is also value in looking ahead.  For me it is far easier to look back.  They say that hind-sight is 20/20.  We can see clearly when looking back, but looking ahead is not quite so easy.  You may be one that trusts the fortune cookie note from the Chinese restaurant, or a person who checks the local newspaper for your horoscope for the day, but I do not think those are legitimate or accurate in helping you to see the future.

What will the new year offer you and your family?  The Chinese fortune cookie will promise you success, but life often gives you challenges!  God’s timing is perfect for me and you.  Today as I opened my Bible and asked the Lord to give me something special for this last day of 2015, I read this verse: “Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert” (Isaiah 43:19).  I thank the Lord for the perfect timing of this verse for me today. 

I don’t know what 2016 will bring for me, but the promise of this verse I know to be true!  This New Year coming will bring the same thing that I have known in years past … the hand of God guiding and leading all the way through!  This New Year will bring its challenges, fears, failures and successes.  This promise from the prophet Isaiah, encourages me to know that regardless of what is ahead of me, I have a God Who will “make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert!”   

My God is able to do far beyond anything that I could ever imagine Him doing!  He has given peace in the middle of a storm.  He has conquered death and Hell for me through His Son.  He can answer prayers that seem impossible off my lips.  He … will make a way for me in the wilderness and a stream even in the desert times of my days ahead!  So … with child-like faith, I choose to enter the new year with joy in my heart!  I chose to expect God to do some “miracle” kind of things in my own heart and life.  I will trust God to give me an opened or closed door in the decisions I will need to make in this coming year.  I will not try to “kick down” a closed door, nor will I hesitate to step through the opened door.

I don’t know what is just around the corner for me, but I know a God Who is true to His promises, and He has promised to make a way for me.  It’s going to be an exciting journey by His side!  See you next year!

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