December 6

Twenty-nine years ago, God blessed us with our last of four incredible children.  Amanda Joy was born into our family on November 9.  She was our first and only red-head, and she won the hearts of her siblings the first time they saw her.  She was a great blessing at the time, and has continued to be a blessing throughout her twenty-five years.  Yesterday at 7:34 pm, she gave birth to her first child.  She and her husband Lawrence are the thankful parents of a beautiful little girl named Loretta (Layla) Ama Lartey.  That little bundle has already stolen my heart (and I’m afraid, my wallet).

What can one child do?  We are coming to the time that we celebrate the most important child born on this earth.  “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6).  Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Son of man came to this earth to bring ultimate peace between a holy God and unholy people.  I am so thankful that Christ was born in that manger to offer Himself as payment my personal sins!

Jesus certainly made an eternal difference!  As I considered little Layla, I realized that every child makes a difference!  This is why we fight so hard for the rights of dear little babies to be born.  Regardless of the poor choices a parent might make, every child should have the opportunity to make a difference in the world we are living!  Each life is precious, and is a gift from God.  Some of the things we think are so insignificant that we might do or say, can become extremely important, and can be used by God to help change the lives of others.

This devotional you receive today is the result of our youngest daughter asking me to write something for her and her roommate to study each day they were in college.  I have now been writing this devotional every day for almost six years.  You might think I am writing this devotional for you; but God has made this time of putting my thoughts from His Word on paper one of the biggest blessings of my life!  I also realized part way through this writing that these thoughts are really my way of putting my heart onto paper for all of our children, and our grandchildren for the time when I will be gone!  This all started because that red-head tilted her head and asked her dad to write a devotional for her.  Jesus certainly made a difference.  Our children have made a difference.  Every child is important in the plan of God.  I can’t wait to see what God will do our grandchildren!

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