February 8

Considered one of the greatest basketball players of all times, Michael Jordan was a driven man.  I have heard stories from a man who followed the team for a year.  He told about the practices he witnessed where the other players on the Chicago Bulls were goofing off.  Michael Jordan stopped practice and embarrassed his teammates to the point that they did not like him that much.  However, when they stepped on the court for the game, they all loved him.  The reason was that he had practiced with a singular purpose.  That purpose was to be the greatest player in the history of basketball.

Now, I am sure that most, if not all, reading this, will never see an NBA court (unless you get lucky and get front-row seats to a game).  Even though none of us is likely to play professional basketball, we can all learn something about living with a singular focus for the will of God for our lives.  God does have a plan for each of us.  No two plans are the same.  God designed us to fit together like the different parts of the body fit together.  We need to approach fulfilling the will of God in our lives, just like Michael Jordan approached every practice and game that he played in during his career.

Continuing on in the book of James we arrive at James 1:8: “A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.”  I believe that God is searching for some Christians today who are as committed to fulfilling His will.  He is looking to bless those who put aside petty differences, in order to reach the ultimate goal of glorifying God in our lives.  He is searching for some who will serve Him without expecting any praise from men.  He is on the hunt for humble believers who will deflect any and all praise to Him and will continue to serve Him.

Will you be that person who lives with a singular focus for God?  Not distracted by fame, or money, or position, or any other thing?  Will you keep your eyes on the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus?  Hudson Taylor left his homeland to head to China with encouragement from no one.  He only had one thing … the call of God.  He was obedient and remained single-minded even through difficulties.  Just as God blessed Hudson Taylor, He is looking to bless others who will ignore the distractions and stay on point.  I for one, want to be a man who has this singular focus today.  Will you join me?  Let’s see what God wants to do in our world today!

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