In a time when nothing seems to be stable and dependable, I am thankful that God is God. I am grateful that regardless of how my health is … God is still God. I am thankful that whether the value of the dollar goes up or down … God is still God! I am relieved to know that regardless of who is in the position of political power … God is still God! I am thankful that no matter what the challenge is that is waiting for me today … God will still be God!
I would recommend that each of you read the entire chapter of Psalm 46. It is an amazing collection of encouraging verses for times just like we are living in. The last verse of the chapter is what captured my attention today. “The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah” (Psalm 46:11). Think a little bit with me about how strong God showed Himself to Jacob and the nation of Israel.
God allowed Jacob to have a blessing and birthright that he did not earn or deserve. God has given us many blessings in spite of how many times we have turned our back to Him. God allowed Joseph, Jacob’s son, to be taken into captivity in order to save Jacob and his other sons and their families during a famine. God has provided for each of us repeatedly in ways we cannot explain, or fully understand. God provided a heritage for Jacob that continues today with the twelve tribes of Israel.
Just as you can look at the life of Jacob in the Bible, you can see in your own life how God has blessed you beyond what you deserve too. I am thankful that God has always been the place that I could run to hide when I feel troubles closing in around me. I am thankful that when I am facing a challenge that is far beyond my wisdom that I can lean on His Word He has given me for knowledge. I am grateful that when my heart rejoices to over-flowing and I don’t have words to speak, He can understand the language of my heart.
I am thankful that “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1). When troubles come and we take the roll, God is never absent! When I need strength to make it through a day … there He is. When you need a place to hide today, run to Him … God is still God! What a wonderful thought for the remainder of this day! God is still God!