Whenever it gets close to Christmas you will begin to hear the question asked, “What do you get the person who has everything?” In the ultimate sense, God is the Person Who has everything. What could you and I possibly give Him that would make Him most happy? Here’s your answer; “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: A broken and contrite heart, O God, Thou wilt not despise” (Psalm 51:17).
There is one thing that you and I can give God that pleases Him far more than the money we drop in an offering plate. There is one thing that we can give God that pleases Him more than something we give up (that we love) for a certain time. There is something that means more to God than the car we drive, or the square-footage of the house we live in, or the price-tag on our clothing, or ______________. That one thing is a spirit within us that is broken and contrite.
Sounds strange, but think about it from God’s perspective. The child of God who is constantly trying to impress Him with what they can do, or what they can give Him; is simply giving back what has been given by Him anyway. I remember when our children were small, and the time came for my birthday. One day one of our children asked me if they could borrow $5. When I asked what they needed $5 for, their reply was that they needed to buy me a gift for my birthday. I gave them $10 and asked for something better than what they were planning on (just teasing).
While I appreciated their thoughtfulness about buying me a gift (with my own money), I would have preferred for them to have always asked my advice before making a decision and then to completely obey what I told them. That’s what God wants from us. He doesn’t need our “token” offerings to Him. He wants our spirit to be totally crushed before Him, so He can do whatever He wants with us. He wants us to run to Him when decisions are placed in front of us, and to hear us promise Him that whatever He tells us to do, we will completely obey! He wants a totally yielded spirit to be presented to Him every morning, and repeatedly surrendered all through the day. That is the sacrifice He is looking for from us. Our money, time and talents will all follow if we have first offered Him a broken and contrite (crushed to powder) spirit. What are you bringing to God today?