July 14

We Christians fall into the trap of the world’s thinking many times. We feel that we must defend ourselves against our enemies, and that we must stand up and be heard when we sense injustice against us. However, today as I read Psalm 119, I came across these verses:

Consider mine affliction, and deliver me: for I do not forget thy law. Plead my cause, and deliver me: quicken me according to thy word” (Psalm 119:153-154). These two verses have two things in common that I believe we as Christians need to see, understand, and practice. There are many today who will come against us for multiple reasons. One of the keys I see in these two verses is the second phrase in each. The foundation of a believer must be the Word of God. Not just owning a Bible, but actually reading it, and obeying what we read.

I should not be amazed, but I still am amazed at how many believers claim to love God, but don’t live following the truths and principles of the Word of God. As a matter of fact, it frustrates me beyond words when I find myself doing that very thing. I know what the Bible teaches me about how to live, but I often find myself sliding backwards, away from those truths and into my own thoughts, or desires. If I ever want to see spiritual victories in my life, my walk needs to match the principles and truths of the Word of God. The importance of keeping my feet firmly planted on the truths of the Word of God on a daily basis cannot be overstated.

The second truth in these verses that is a key for me, is the opening phrase in each of the verses. The focus for deliverance is not what I can do, but what God can do for me. Far too often, we human beings try to take matters into our hands. I find myself, and others, trying to manipulate the situations, other people, and even God by using my strength and wisdom rather than His. It is clear in both of these verses, that the key to getting out of difficulty, or standing up in difficult situations, is our dependence upon God. God is the One Who can deliver us from these places. God is the one who comes alongside us to offer us the comfort we so desperately need. Of course, God is ready and willing to come, but we must be in the place of obedience to His Word so that He has the freedom to do His work. I often say that I do not need the help of the Devil to sin. The biggest enemy I face every day is my own desire to do what I want as opposed to what He wants for me. Today is a good day to step out of the driver’s seat of your life, and turn the control of your life over to Him. Allow God to fight for you today!

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