March 10

In my heart and your heart there is only one throne. We can only serve one master at a time. Today I read, “For the wicked boasteth of his heart’s desire, and blesseth the covetous, whom the LORD abhorreth. The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts” (Psalm 10:3-4).

We love to bash the unsaved for turning their back on God, but I am afraid that sometimes we do the same in our every daily life. As I think about the surrender of my heart, I find that it can be a struggle. Yes, I open my Bible every day; and yes, I read it every day; but God does not always have my full attention. I often find myself preoccupied with “my” concerns and “my” thoughts. It grieves my heart that the throne of my heart is so often occupied by my own thoughts and my own interests.

These verses point out how the heart of the wicked boast of their own desires. My heart also leans to boasting of my own desires. The wicked are characterized by covetousness. I can be very selfish and self-centered as well. The wicked do not seek focus on what God wants for their lives, they focus on their desires. Many times, these desires are in opposition to the principles of the Word of God. I would love to point my finger at the wicked, but the fact is that I struggle with yielding the throne of my heart to the Lord daily.

I wish that I could surrender my heart once and be finished with it. It does not work that way. The surrender of my heart must happen all throughout the day, multiple times a day. I remember reading Romans 12:1 and thinking about what it means to present my body as a living sacrifice (“I beseech you therefore, brethren, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service”). I have presented my body to God multiple times, but it seems that I like to sneak off the altar regularly.

I was touched today with the need to daily surrender my life to God so that I do not copy the actions of the wicked. I cannot criticize them for doing what I do as a child of God. I want my life to reflect a yielded servant of the Lord. I want my actions to be totally under the control of the Holy Spirit today. I want the world to know that I am not my own, but I am the property of almighty God in Heaven. I want to follow His leadership … His Word … His plan for my life. Today I want to demonstrate that God is firmly seated on the throne of my heart.

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