March 16

NI have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: my flesh also shall rest in hope” (Psalm 16:8-9).

When I was a little boy, I loved to play “hide and seek.” I enjoyed seeking, and I enjoyed hiding. One thing that I learned was that when you found a good spot to hide, you stayed there as long as you could. In life, when you find a safe place to be, you need to stay in that spot! As the verses above point out, as long as the Lord is at your right hand, you are in a good place. In a world where there is fear and anxiety about safety, we believers can rejoice in our position in Christ.

As a boy, I would search and search for a place that no one else would look to hide. When I received Jesus Christ as my Savior as a six-year-old boy, my search for everlasting peace ended. I am not saying that I never have anxious moments, but I will tell you that when I have them it is because I have forgotten that I have a Heavenly Father Who can handle anything that comes my way. One of my biggest challenges today is to stop trying to “fix” everything myself, and to simply yield to my Heavenly Father.

I remember being much smaller than the other kids in my neighborhood when I was growing up. As a result, I always tried to find a really big guy to be my good friend. When times got tough, I would try to stay close to my bigger friend. If things began to get a little heated, I moved a little closer to my friend. I always figured that if there was a fight, I could always hide behind my bigger friend for protection. Today I view my life in much the same way. However, the Friend I try to stay close to today is my Heavenly Father.

I have learned that if I am not close to Him, it is not His fault. If I have gotten far from God, it is me who has moved … not Him. He is faithful to me, regardless of how faithful I have been to Him. Because of this, I can say with the psalmist, “because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.” If you are a believer today and reading this, I want to encourage you to stop living in despair and begin to live on the victory side! Recently, a number of people that I call friends have lost loved ones. I know the difficulty of saying goodbye to a father, or mother, or family member. Knowing Jesus Christ as personal Savior, changes everything. I realize that even death cannot separate us from our Lord. Even in death my heart can rejoice because I will not be moved from the presence of my Savior! Praise God!

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