May 1

Whenever I started a new job, I always tried to find out what the boss wanted from me.  I have found that if I want to stay employed, and I want to get a raise in pay once-in-awhile, I need to know what the owner or boss expects from me.  I have found that it is much the same as it is in my house.  A dear friend once told me that: “When Momma ain’t happy … ain’t nobody happy.”  I think it is the same in a place of work.  When the boss isn’t happy, then the workers are not going to be happy.  I want to be happy, so it was always important to me to find out what the boss expected of his/her workers.

Today I was reading, and I came across the thing that makes God happy.  I read about the thing that God wants most from us.  I read, “I exhort thee therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.  For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth” (I Timothy 2:1-5).

Our world has the idea that God is some vindictive super-power Who sits on the clouds, just waiting for us to mess up, so He can “zap” us with some thunderbolt.  They often think of Him as an unloving, uncaring dictator Who loves nothing more than seeing His subjects squirm under unfair rules and regulations.  According to these verses in I Timothy, those things are not an accurate picture of God.  While God does have expectations for our lives, and a perfect plan for our lives, He is not just lying in wait for us to mess up and fail.  Like a parent, He yearns for the best for His creation.  According to I Timothy 2:5, God is really desires to see His children come to the knowledge of where they are before Him, and to come to repentance! God wants to see we sinners, saved through the sacrifice of His Son; and His resurrection from the dead.  He wants us to receive His gift of forgiveness and grace.  He is not hoping that He can punish us, but that we, through the knowledge of what His Son has done for us, will receive Christ and be saved.  I thank God for His love for me.  Even while I was sinning, and not even thinking about Him; He paid the price for my sin debt.  The Bible tells us that when we repent of our sin, the angels of Heaven rejoice over our decision.  Realize that if this is what God wants the most, it should be a priority for us throughout our day today.  Hand out a tract.  Share your testimony with someone.  Give the Gospel wherever you can today!

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