May 24

I have heard people say before; ‘It is not what you know, but who you know that counts.’  I believe that is true in many cases.  I have noticed that some people get a promotion based on the fact that they were known before by the person in charge.  I have seen family members given positions of leadership, because of their connection with the person in charge.  I have even noticed that certain people are given the benefit of the doubt because there is someone in authority that they are connected with in some way.

I have not had many times in my life that I have known someone that others would consider important, or famous.  I do remember a time when this happened to me while I was attending a national meeting.  I showed up at the meeting to enjoy different preachers for three days and nights.  As I entered the main auditorium, I noticed my former pastor standing on the floor in front of the pulpit.  There were a line of other preachers waiting to meet him.  As I entered from the side, I saw him standing there with that line of men, and decided I would wait until later to greet him.

When he spotted me, he said to the next man in line, “Excuse me, I’ll be right back.”   At that point, me made a straight line to me and my wife to give us a hug and tell us how glad he was to see us again.  We exchanged warm greetings, and made plans to get together during the time we would be there.  He then returned to the line of people waiting to see him.  I realized that I knew someone that was important.  Those others waiting in line wanted to meet this man, but I knew him personally.  He was the pastor who helped us dedicate three of our four children to the Lord!  He was more than an acquaintance of mine.

Today I read a verse that made my heart sing!  “For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our King; He will save us” (Isaiah 33:22).  Here is the thought that touched my heart so deeply … The LORD – judge – lawgiver – King … is my Savior!  I know the most important Person any person could know … I know God personally.  Not only do I know God personally, but He has become my Savior!  You see, I violated the laws He has given in the Word of God … I am guilty.  He loved me so much, He sent His one and only Son to die in my place!  It is through His payment there on the cross … it is through that empty tomb that I received forgiveness from the “Lawgiver!”  It doesn’t get any more secure than that!  The One Who could rightfully condemn me, paid my price for the debt I owed!  Not only do I know Him as God … He is my Father!  Praise God!

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