November 1

Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.  Blessed is the man unto whom the LORD imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile” (Psalm 32:1-2).  I hope I never forget the thrill of these verses!  I hope I never look at my sins being forgiven as something that I deserve, or something that is normal.  God literally moved Heaven and earth to pay off my sin debt!  He sent His only begotten Son to die in my place when I had no chance to be right with Him.  He imputed, or placed my sin totally onto His Son there at Calvary so that I could know a relationship with forgiveness from Him!  These are monumental thoughts today.  Don’t ever get to the place that these things become common place to you.  Don’t allow these events to come to your mind as easily as what you had for breakfast, or where you are planning to do today.

The thought of God taking care of a sin debt that I could not pay ought to sit on my heart and mind every day that I live!  Imagine yourself in an illustration that Jesus gave while he was here on the earth.  Imagine that you owe a huge debt that you could never repay to another person.  Imagine if that person called you to see him.  You would surely be shaking with the bad news that was coming.  Your mind would be running to thoughts of slavery, or prison, or even the man bringing bodily harm to you.  Imagine how you would feel if, when you walked into his office, you saw the man take the bill you owed, and rip it in pieces.  Imagine if you watched him take a match and light it on fire, and you both stood and watched it disintegrate before your eyes.  Imagine if the man hugged you and told you that he loved you and that he, himself, had paid your debt and you were now free from the debt.

This is what God has done for us!  He was the One that paid our sin debt off, the only way it was possible for it to be done!  The righteous demand of God was satisfied with the righteous sacrifice of His own Son’s blood being shed on the cross of Calvary!  There was no other way for this to happen!  There is no religious cloak that you can lay over your sin that would remove your sin debt!  There is not enough money in all the banks of the world that could pay for even one sin, let alone all your sin!  Even if you could stop sinning today (which you cannot), who would pay for the sins of your past?  Jesus stepped out of Heaven … lived perfectly on earth … and voluntarily took your place on the cross … He rose from the dead removing the debt of whosoever comes to Him by faith!  That is great news for today, and every day that you live all the way to eternity!  Thank Him and live for Him!

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