November 16

Is my life really important?  Is there any way I can make a difference in this huge world I live in?  What will it matter if I am faithful to the Word of God when so many other people are not around me?  Can I make a difference even in the church I attend, or are we all just going through the motions of Christianity?”  These are questions I have asked through my lifetime.  I ask these kinds of questions because I understand my insignificance in many ways.  However … I am asking these questions based totally on my own human understanding and reasoning. 

The Bible says, “Wherefore also we pray always for you, that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfill all the good pleasure of His goodness, and the work of faith with power: That the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you, and ye in Him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ” (II Thessalonians 1:11-12).  According to these verses, I have the possibility of actually bringing glory to the name of Christ with my life!  I know, it sounds absolutely impossible to think that … but let me remind you …

Ø There was a woman who lived in a town called Samaria where no Jew wanted to be found.  She had been married five times before and was considering making a sixth attempt when she met Jesus.  I’m sure she thought she was insignificant, and had no chance of bringing glory to the name of Christ.  After Jesus changed her from the inside – out, she brought the men of the town to hear Him and revival broke out in Samaria.

Ø There was a man possessed by a legion of demons that lived among the tombs, and cut himself repeatedly.  The people of the town had tried to tame him, but it proved to be impossible.  Jesus met the man, cast out the demons and transformed this man’s life.  When Jesus was preparing to leave for another town, this man begged to go with Him.  Jesus told him to return to his friends/family and show them the great things that were done.  I’m sure this man thought his life would have no impact, and certainly no chance of glorifying God.  That was before he met Jesus …

Ø There was a woman that had been a prostitute until she met Jesus.  She later bought a costly bottle of perfume and poured it on the feet of Jesus.  Even though criticized, she glorified her Savior.  I’m sure that she felt she would never be able to do that, but her story is in our Bible.

You and I are here now … it’s our turn … look for the possibilities today!

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