November 18

At that day shall a man look to his Maker, and his eyes shall have respect to the Holy One of Israel” (Isaiah 17:7).  There will be a day when everyone that has cursed the name of God and His Son will bow their knee to Him in respect and honor.  There will be a day when everyone that has refused the grace of God and the offer of forgiveness from Christ following the resurrection will stand before Him as their judge.  There is a day coming that every sin will be known and every sinner given their justice.  I believe “At that day shall a man look to his Maker, and his eyes shall have respect to the Holy One of Israel.

We know this day is coming for everyone!  The question I have for you today has nothing to do with this judgment that is coming for unbelievers.  The question I have for you today is whether or not you will bow your knee to Him today as a believer?  It is far easier to condemn others than it is to examine our own heart and make adjustments.  Today is a good day to begin to bow your knee to the King of all kings.  Today is a good day to honor God with the best offering you have to give.  Today is a good day to pay respect to the God Who loved you so much that He gave His only begotten Son!

One day coming soon, every knee is going to bow to this Master.  One day every tongue will confess that He is Lord … why not begin that bowing and confessing today?  We ought to be telling those we will meet today that there is a Savior and introduce them to Jesus.  There are many today that are searching for answers to having real peace and the feeling of being secure.  We have that answer … it can only be found in a right relationship with Jesus. 

Don’t believe the lie of the Devil today that people are not interested in knowing Christ.  Some have seared their consciences to the point of being hardened, but not all are this way.  There are many who are fearful of death more today than at any time before in history.  The answer for the longing of man’s soul today is still as it has always been … Jesus Christ.  Rather than wasting another minute complaining about how bad the world is today, tell someone about the One Who can bring lasting peace and contentment!  Bow your knee to your Savior today by telling someone else about how they can know Him.  Nothing would please Him more than those of us who believe Him seeking the lost like He did when He was walking on the earth.  Make your day count for eternity today.  Tell someone else about your Master, so they can bow their knee to their Heavenly Father one day!

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