November 23

The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: He turneth it whithersoever He will.  Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the LORD pondereth the hearts” (Proverbs 21:1-2).  I have always loved the thought of God moving the heart of leaders around the world.  Today a different thought came to my heart.  Verse one refers to the Lord moving the heart of the king, but verse two gets very personal with my heart!  I like to think of God moving other people’s hearts, but am I really that interested in Him moving my own heart?

I want God to move the heart of the leaders of our land, and I believe He is.  I might not fully understand why He is moving them in the direction He is, but I am sure that He knows what needs to be done far better than me.  I guess I am normal in that I see the flaws of others far before recognizing that these are flaws in me as well.  I seem to be quick to judge others for improper motives and actions (as I see it), and yet, I allow similar challenges to linger in my own life without paying any attention to them.  I want to be a man of God.  That means that I must allow God free access to my heart every day. 

I want to know the hand of God on the steering-wheel of my heart.  I don’t want to resist the hand of God, and I don’t want to fight where He wants me to go and what He wants me to do.  I find myself to be very impatient many times, and in that impatience, I find myself grumbling and complaining.  It seems that God allows me to have ministry opportunities during those times in spite of my “not-so-willing” heart about it.  I have met people during my delays or because of my delays many times that I would never have met without them.  I look back and realize that the delay was a way for God to get me into the place that I needed to be to see these opportunities. Yes, I want the Lord to move the heart of the king today!  Am I equally willing to allow Him free access to my schedule? to my thoughts? to my time? to my abilities? to my heart?  I want to answer with a resounding, “YES!”  However, I know the battle for my heart is not an easy battle to be won.  I want to be a man that surrenders quickly to the Spirit of God’s touch on my heart!  I want to be a man that is ready and willing to do whatever the Lord leads me to do without complaint, or hesitation!  Today I want to fully surrender all my heart and life to the King of all kings for Him to rule and reign in my heart.  I want to remove my hands from the steering-wheel of my life and allow Him to turn my life into whatever situation He wants me to be involved in today!  I want to sit back and enjoy the ride!

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